I was able to take some more time in the shop tonight and get the body cut from the blank.
I did have to spend some time with the hand plane bringing the blank flat. I am super happy with the joint. You can’t really tell where the joint is unless you look REALLY close. I really love my hand planes. It is a great work out. I got everything nice and flat and to the thickness I wanted. I was really worried about the weight when I picked up the blank but as I cut chunks off of it thing began to really lighten up. I think once I take a chunk out for the electronics on the back that will help even more. I’m debating some comfort contours. I’ll have to think about it some more.
Here is the the blank all glued up with the cut out of the guitar from the plans. If I had not mentioned before this guitar design is from Chris over at http://www.eguitarplans.com he has some great plans. I have two of them and will be purchasing several more. He has at least 3 or 4 other guitars that I want to build.